Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3 - Pete White - art

I didn't initially think of this as a piece of art, because it is a product designed to be sold. This bathroom mat is composed of foam and living moss, which maintains its life through the water that falls off a bather when he or she gets out of the shower. I originally just thought it was a cool idea, and something that would be neat to experience, but not art. Then, I started thinking. The creator obviously had some inner motivation to make this product, aside from getting money. According to the article, it seemed as if the intention was to reconnect people with the feeling of nature in their homes. It makes the house plant more of a dynamic aspect of the house, instead of just sitting in the corner. Additionally, it is clear that the user of one of these products is deriving physical, aesthetic, and emotional enjoyment from such a mat. I think it isn't what people would call "fine art" by a long shot, but there is something to be said for simple devices that make people happier, and make people remember a part of the world they may have forgotten.

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