Saturday, February 7, 2009

2-Kathleen Yan - Filippo Lippi

In this painting, "The Virgin appears to Saint Bernard", Filippo Lippi employs several techniques to create space. First, he creates a foreground (the Virgin and Saint Bernard), the midground (the rocks), and the background (the scenery and people behind the rocks). The relative size of the people and objects also differ moving from front to back. Note that the characters in the foreground are larger than those in the background, such as people and objects. Lippi also uses linear perspective, with a vanishing point behind the rocks, which is manifest in the lines of the building to the right. Also, the angle of the rocks helps draw the eye to the front, where the main characters of the painting reside. Finally, Lippi reserves bright red color for the people in the front, to draw attention to them as they are the foreground and focal point.

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