Monday, February 2, 2009


This is my t-shirt idea. Ideally I would want it on a black t-shirt so that the image blends with the background.
This photograph came out a little small, but it is an outdoor piece by the British artist Banksy. On his website his manifesto is a quote from Emo Phillips, "When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized that God doesn't work that way, so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness." I think this quote can be seen to express itself in a lot of Banksy's work. His outdoor work is mostly graffittied images on the sides of buildings that seem out of place in their imagery (rats sweeping away dust, soldiers stealing televisions) but at the same time seem to resonate very deeply as metaphors for some of the issues that are intricately connected to that area and that also reflect a general dark and often humourous urban setting in cities all over the world. This piece above came from a collection of works he did in New Orleans after Katrina and I find them particularly poignant and haunting in the way they portray abandonment and loss on the sides of abandoned buildings. Here's the link to his website if you want to see more of his art:

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